High Density Mineral Bond - HA5
A Preservation Treatment with a 600%+ Return on Investment.HA5 was developed to meet the demand for effective asphalt preservation on residential roadways without the negative side effects of chip seals or slurry seals. Specifically engineered to preserve the native asphalt binder, HA5 is exceptional at preventing oxidative damage. As a result, you will have streets that last longer and cost less to own.
HA5 is a High Density Mineral Bond uniquely emulsified with a near neutral charge that is able to hold a proprietary blend of fine aggregates. Limiting oxidative damage from moisture is fundamental to HA5’s preservation qualities. But just as critical to the prevention of oxidative damage from moisture is preventing oxidative damage from Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. HA5 combats oxidation from UV by including limited amounts of specific polymers to reflect damaging UV rays.
Limiting oxidative damage from moisture is fundamental to HA5’s preservation qualities. But just as critical to the prevention of oxidative damage from moisture is preventing oxidative damage from UV rays Improve infrastructure – Save Money!
- Stop Oxidation
- 400% More Cost Effective
- 5-Year Warranty
- 12-Year Performance Test
- Increased Aesthetics

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