Repair & Protect Your Investment
Asphalt Preservation at its Finest.Cracksealing, crackfilling and crack repairs all mean the same thing - it is the first defense against continued erosion, degradation and general deterioration of your asphalt surface. Whether your asphalt surface is a parking lot, service road or municipal roadway, one thing all industry contractors, engineers, manufacturers and governmental agency personnel can all agree on is the inevitability of cracking. The cracksealing process is the proper placement of specialized materials into properly prepared existing cracks to prevent the intrusion of water and incompressible such as sand, stone and dirt which all work to further destroy the asphalt surface. Few other maintenance items will offer as good of return on investment in the form of deferring costly repairs as properly performed crack repairs.

Protects the Base & SUBBASE
Keeps water from entering and weakening these areas, Base and Subbase weakness can result in loss of structural support which in turn causes additional wash out, cracking and deterioration. Continued neglect of crack repairs will only speed up deterioration as the open voids of existing cracks cause new ones to form exponentially over time.
Extends Pavement Life & COST EFFECTIVENESS
By sealing cracks properly the property owner or agency has some control over base and subbase conditions, pavement interference and crack growth, thereby extending the pavement's life with a cost effective method.
Eliminates Damaging Effects ofSAND, STONE & DIRT
When sand, stone and dirt get into the cracked voids of asphalt they restrict the crack closure during warm weather expansion. They, in turn, cause compressive stresses resulting in spalling, cracking and loosening of the surrounding asphalt surface.
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